The International Centre for Coastal Resources Research (CIIRC)
Institute Description:
The International Centre for Coastal Resources Research (CIIRC) is a public
consortium cre-ated by the Generalitat de Catalunya -Autonomous Government of
Catalonia- (Política Terri-torial i Obres Públiques, Medi Ambient,
Agricultura, Ramaderia i Pesca departments and the Comissionat per Universitats
i Recerca), the Catalonia University of Technology (UPC) and the International
Federation of Institutes for Advanced Study (IFIAS, Canada) with the support
of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/UNO).
The activities of the International Centre for Coastal Resources Research (CIIRC) are carried out through different lines of work: research projects, technology transfer project, organisa-tion of scientific meetings, training programmes, publications, Documentation-Information Centre, and to support the activities of the Laboratory of Maritime Engineering -LIM/UPC. The research thematic fields are: coastal and estuarine hydrodynamics, coastal morphology, oceanographic engineering, harbour engineering, climate and water quality of the marine envirnments, and integrated coastal zone management. The Centre is collaborating in several actions with research centres in Latin America, in the framework of UNESCO (In-tergovernamental Oceanographic Comission) and EU Programmes.
Contact Person: Prof. Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla, email: